
We believe in the uniqueness of the WOMAN, a special being created to embody so many things in one yet carrying it so graciously and effortlessly.

Never was the Woman created inferior, never was she created weak, never was she lost. Society attempted to teach her mediocrity, but again and again she defied societal norms, refusing to settle!

The Woman was created as a being that brings forth life, hence full of life, should live life to the fullest. The Woman was created for much more, there are no limits to what she can do, no limits to what she can achieve and no limits to the impact she is able to leave for generations to come.

It is therefore no surprise that we stand as advocates for her all-round well-being and economic empowerment. That she be given equal opportunities as her male counterparts. We do this so we can leave the world a better place than how we met it. We do this for her.

The Empower-Her Network is not a Business. It is a movement!

  • A movement to unveil the authentic and holistic African Woman,

  • A movement to spring forth the treasure that lies deep within every Woman,

  • A movement to ensure that she grabs her seat and takes her rightful place at the table,

  • A movement to keep her sparkle on and to drop a little of her gorgeousness everywhere she goes,

  • A movement to create a community of Women united by a bond unbreakable, shoulder to shoulder, lifting each other,

  • A movement that transforms lives for the better,

  • A movement led by African Women for African Women, backed by the Mercy and Grace of God.